Dry Ice / Lab Coat Laundering
Dry Ice
If your lab uses Dry Ice frequently, you may want to take advantage of getting Dry Ice through the Resource Center. Benefits:
- You can establish an automatic delivery schedule specific to your usage
- Eliminates the delivery charge from Airgas, you just pay for product
- Eliminates the need for vendors in the hallways and lab space
- Allows Airgas to make cylinder deliveries on campus in a quicker fashion
Please email wcrc@yale.edu for more information
Lab Coat Laundering
The Resource Center acts as a central hub for quick in and out service for the launderers to grab lab coats to be cleaned. This eliminates the need for the suppliers to travel to 20+ labs.
If your lab is already enrolled in this service and have an active account with Cintas or Riverside, you should have received a labeled lab laundry bag along with a shared bin for your floor or institute. If you have an account but do not have a bag please contact Stephen Luzietti. The label has a QR code you can scan which will generate a request for pickup email (which needs to be filled out along with choosing the appropriate launderer). Alternatively an email to wcrc@yale.edu with lab name, coat count, and vendor of choice will suffice as well. Pickups can be requested any time however the Resource Center picks up on Friday, handed to the vendors on Monday, and returned the following week. All coats should be in either a laundry bag or some other bag. There is also a drop-off locker outside the Resource Center, the same procedures apply.
If you do not have an account but would like to start one, please contact wcrc@yale.edu for more information.